6/10/2009 UC LEADS program
Josh Yee, an undergraudate student in our group,had been admitted into the UC LEADS program for the 2009-2011 cohort. UC LEADS is best honor program for undergraduate student. Josh has been working with us for 2 year and done a great job on his projects- hardnees and grain boundary sliding. We are all very happy for him and proud of him. Detail about UC LEADS program could be found in the following link:
5/19/2009 Congratulation!!
Clara Druzgalski, an undergraudate student in FAM's group,was offered a paid internship this summer at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to work with Dr.Zhang on Self-assembly of carbon nanotube arrays. The internship is funded by the US Department of Energy.
5/16/2009 Successful UROP symposium 2009
Our group had 1 oral presentation and 4 posters.
Ricardo Komai "Investigation of grain boundary sliding during deformation of nanocrystalline metals"-oral
Andrew Marquez "The influence of an imposed current on mechanical, thermal, and microstructural properties of SnAgCu solder"-UC lead program, summer at UC-Berkeley
Joshua Yee "An investigation of grain boundary sliding during defomration of nanocrystalline metals"-poster
Frank Jimenez and Courtney McConnell "Effects of heat treatment on the creep behavior of electrodeposted nanocrystalline nickel"
Brandon Saller "Analysis of grain orientation in electro-beam melted(EBM) Ti-6Al-4V via electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD)"-cooperate with Dr. John Porter at Carl Zeiss Center